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Abscess/Cyst Drainage

A person undergoing Abscess/cyst drainage procedure

An abscess is a localized accumulation of pus caused by infection or trauma, leading to pain, swelling, and fever. Removal involves minor surgery to extract the pus, especially if it's large or poses a risk of complications. The procedure, often performed under local anesthesia, may require a small or larger incision. Post-removal care includes wound cleaning and possibly sutures. Similarly, cyst drainage involves removing fluid or material from a closed sac to alleviate pain or prevent rupture. It's done using a sterile needle or catheter after numbing the area with local anesthesia. Whether you're dealing with an abscess or cyst, timely treatment is key to preventing complications. If you suspect you have an abscess or cyst, don't hesitate to contact us at West Point Medical Center today, and let us help you feel better soon.

Indications for Abscess and Cyst Treatment

  • Localized discomfort or tenderness.
  • Visible enlargement in the affected area.
  • Inflammation and discoloration of surrounding skin.
  • Systemic signs of infection such as fever or chills.
  • Presence of fluid or pus accumulation.
  • Sensitivity to touch or pressure.
  • Progressive enlargement of the abscess or cyst over time.
  • Potential for bursting, necessitating prompt treatment.
  • Impaired movement due to size or location.
  • Irritation or pressure caused by the lesion.
  • Impact on appearance.
  • Signs such as warmth, tenderness, or discharge.

Procedure Overview

  • Preparation: Clean and anesthetize the area.
  • Incision: Make a small cut to access the abscess/cyst.
  • Drainage: Remove pus/fluid using a sterile needle or catheter.
  • Cleansing: Irrigate with sterile saline to clean the area.
  • Exploration (for abscesses): Check for additional infection pockets.
  • Culture (if necessary): Collect a sample for lab testing.
  • Closure: Leave open (abscess) or partially close (cyst) the wound.
  • Dressing: Apply a sterile dressing for protection.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Instructions on wound care and antibiotics.
  • Complications: Monitoring for signs of infection or worsening symptoms.
  • Surgical Removal (for larger or recurrent cysts): Discuss complete excision.